I woke up this morning with no plans for the day. Usually when that happens, I settle in on the couch with a cup of coffee and look through my favorite design books for inspiration. I only got a few pages into Hand Made Home (which I got for Christmas) before it was clear that I needed to actually make something today, not just look at beautiful things in a book.
I hopped in the car and went to the Rebuilding Center, where for $8 I found exactly what I was looking for -- even if the idea was only in the back of my mind.
Once back in the car, I called my dad asked what he was up to today. He said that my mom went to visit my sister, and he wasn't doing much. He's the only male in our immediate family, so he's been left alone throughout the years to watch sports and do maintenance. My dad is also a carpenter, and even when we were young he let my sisters and me use his tools under his supervision. I don't remember ever making anything in particular in the shop, but we got to saw and drill things, which was thrilling when we were young! Unless my dad has other plans, when I ask to use the shop he usually jumps on the idea. I think secretly he enjoys teaching me how to use the tools, and making me strategize how to do what I want to accomplish. And I also think he finds some satisfaction in knowing that I enjoy woodworking like he does.
So we spent the afternoon drilling, sawing, measuring, marking, hammering, laughing, and making this beautiful bench. He told me that I'd better learn how to use all of the tools, because they'll probably be mine one day.
All photos were taken with my iPhone -- I've been a lazy photographer lately.